Change is inevitable...whether you like or not it is bound to happen. The world offers umpteen choices in life. It is up to individual to decide and choose; and thus one is destined to change either to good or bad. But the truth is that we change. Whether we like or not, we are bound to change. This is the fact of life. Now the question is who does not like to change to good, better and the best. A poor man hopes to become rich; a student works hard for good results; a farmer works day in and out for a good crop and a society moves towards progress and thus a civilization is born with progress, power and prosperity. This is true with every human civilization. Today humanity has reached such heights in science, industry, technology and communication is all because it is in the nature of humanity to leap into the next stage of life. It is so true that even the nature around us and the animals domestic and non-domestic possess this instinct to grow and to multiply. If it is w...