
Intellectual Humility...

  An Intellectual humility is a quality that ought to be cultivated by every student who desires to learn and grow in life. Humility is not all about humbling oneself before others. It also means putting oneself at the disposal of others to create an ambience to an academic excellence. Well, how does it happen? It happens, when a student has a doubt or needs a better clarification he/she must be humble enough to ask others and thus get to learn. For, learning from others is in no way a shameful thing rather is a good thing to approach others to get things learned. This attitude paves a way for leadership qualities and makes one confident and social. Proximity is all about social learning and social engineering creating a good atmosphere for others in mutual sharing. Therefore, it is a pre-requisite for every diligent student who aspires to go, grow and glow. It is an academic attitude that broadens the mind of a student to other cultures, faiths and languages. Besides, it enables...

St Joseph, the Mirror of Peace & Patience..!

  St Joseph, the Mirror of Patience… The media dominated 21 st century and the corporate companies stress so much on passion and perfection. At times, in tech-dominated society we are like a man who prays “God, give me the gift of patience but immediately!” well, we too regardless of age and faith get carried away by our work and lose stability, balance and calmness. Here is someone whom Pope Francis desires that all of us pay attention to learn patience, perseverance and prayer. For, his life truly mirrors patience. St Joseph, ‘the mirror of Patience’ is a perfect title that describes the aptitude of Joseph. In the Gospels, Mary responds to the angel at the annunciation and remains faithful as she says ‘let it be with me according to your word’ (Lk 1:38). Unlike Mary, Joseph says nothing to the angel but ‘did as the angel of the Lord commanded him’ (Mt 1:24). Perhaps why, Mathew the evangelist calls him as ‘a Righteous/just man’ (Mt 1:19). As a humble man, Joseph did his du...

The Saint of the Gutters…

  “Love begins at home, right inside our community,” Mot her Teresa, the saint of the gutters. She exhorts each one of us to go home and love our mother, father, brothers and sisters at home. For, we cannot love others unless we really love our brothers and sisters within our home, family and community. Therefore, we can assume the meaning behind the novel words “ Maathru dhevo bhava and pithru dhevo bhave …” Thus it is possible to see God in our neighbour first and then serve Him in our immediate neighbours. Likewise, we love God while living one another, just as God first loved us as the apple of His eye. Mother Teresa was not merely ideal but was practical and pragmatic in her approach to love God in the dying destitute. She stands tall in the service of love and care to the other without any pre or post-considerations. She not only loved them but also prayed for them.   Mother Teresa, despite problems and challenges she was optimistic about her mission. With optimism ...


"A sound body leads to a sound mind." And "early to bed early to rise makes a man heathy, wealthy and wise" is a old saying that speaks about a person's well-being. Today people have become health conscious like never before. However, it is true how young people get trapped in emotional and relationship issues due to lack of balance and maturity. Therefore, I just would like to tell all irrespective of class and community to take care of physical and emotional health. Modern psychologists vehemently say that Emotional and Physical Health lead to Spiritual Well-being. When we balance both emotional and physical health be sure we become spiritually matured Individuals who can be flexible and creative in dealing life related issues. This process of maturity will answer the question How do I find myself, happy or said?  We must keep in mind that our physical health will certainly affect our Thinking, Behaving and Action. For an instance the balanced people use time ...


As religious we profess that we live poverty, chaste and obedient to God and Superiors. Here I mainly focused on "OBEDIENCE". I compare the obedience of Jesus to our own lives. Before I start, I would like to ask a question to you, what is obedience? Obedience is nothing but denying one's own will and choice for the sake of the kingdom of God. Obedience is listening to others and sharing with others. We see in the life of Jesus Christ, every moment or every step that he took and he was always obedient to God the Father. We see that devil came to tempt Jesus Christ. But Jesus never put God in test but he always praised God. We also know that before Jesus death on the cross, he went to the garden of Gasthemene, and he prayed to Lord: "Father; if it is possible let this cup pass away from me, but not my will but your will be done." This is the real obedience to God. This shows to all how much Jesus was obedient to God the Father. My dear br...

None...but One...

I was none... is now one... but will be none... When I was none... there was one... to make one... Thank  God I was none... for, there was one... and now I am One... Cos God is One... there is none... beside One... God is near... no more fear... when He is near... Cos God is One... I am ever One... Will never be One... Like the one never before... is the only one ever after... will never be hereafter... 

Non-violent Communication

Pastoral Counselling Course  27th-28th September 2018  1. Write an integration paper of understanding and insights received?    The two-day sessions were guided by the Holy Spirit and the grace of God. It was a moving experience invoking the Spirit with a hymn Spirit be our spirit... On the first day, we were put into context by drawing our attention to Jesus. Evangelists tell us how Jesus was compassionate, empathetic and yet effective in his three years of public ministry. Therefore, Jesus the Good Shepherd is our model and inspiration to emulate and imitate. It was an eye-opener for me, that (in the contexts of the Religious Life) ‘if we are left to ourselves then we come to know the truth of our convictions and commitments.’ Perhaps, today a majority of laypeople, faithful, domestic staff and people who associate with us in work know how autonomous, authoritative, assertive, independent and even disobedient we are. This sets everything in perspect...