
Showing posts from 2014

The Dream that Continues …

Don Bosco is a creative and innovative saint. The church honored by calling him as the father and friend of youth . His greatness lies in the unique and creative method called Preventive System . By this effective pedagogical system he taught young people the values and the virtues of heart beside imparting education and offering employment. Hence the church recognized him as the creative saint of the young people. Don Bosco is a catalyst among the boys on the streets who were disposed to all sorts of social and economic evils. Despite the fact that the boys were at threat both physically deteriorating their health and spiritually making them go astray he resolved and committed that his life would be meant only for them. He wished first to save their worldly life and then lead them to Christ by his arresting slogan “ Give me souls and take away the rest. ” There were a handful of boys who were attracted to his slogan of soul and became saints from his own oratories.  His mi...


           As I was taking an oral exam with my students; I asked one of my students about what is/was God for him? He answer saying that God is complete to which we cannot neither add anything nor subtract anything from him. Beautiful answer and I began think over it.          Today as I was reading a book Awareness by Anthony de Mello I came across a similar ideas about God. He quotes Meister Echart, "God is not attained by a process of addition to anything in the soul, but by a process of subtraction." We don't do anything to be free, we just drop something of the self then we are free. This has been an eye opener for me to think of God's greatness and my limitedness. In his greatness is our strenght. But not by our will and power. God is therefore, complete in himself and pervades everywhere. 

Disguise Visit of God: Suffering

           Dear Friendz, Today the Church celebrates the feast of Our Lady of Sorrows. This feast reminds us dat mother Mary suffered mentally, psychologically and spiritually. She suffered not for herself but for us. The pain and suffering of our Blessed Mother tells us that, if we suffer for ourselves it is endurance but if we suffer for others it is noble and meaningful. This is the kind of suffering our mother experienced in her earthly life. For suffering is a mystery. Suffering is God's visit to us in disguise. Praise God for having brought Christ through our Blessed Mother. May she intercede for us dat we may imbibe her virtues of patience and purity.     The feast of our lady of sorrows reminds us that the cause of joy is painful but the fruit of suffering is sweet like the salvation brought by Jesus by his death on the cross. Pain is never desired by anybody but the truth is that we all of us have face some sort of pain and s...

The House of Our Life...

HOUSE OF OUR LIFE: "God invites us to build the house of our life on a rocky foundation. For this enterprise we are the contractors, masons and dwellers. Therefore, ultimately we are responsible to build the house of our life either on a rocky foundation or on sand." Those who are wise will build their house on a rocky foundation and the foolish build on sand. It is all in one's individuals choice. No one can make us to choose either of the options but the others can only advise and suggest us to help to choose either of the choices.......Be watchful therefore  

Beyond Tit for Tat...

              "God forgives but nature will never forgive." Bec God is not a principle, not a law (natural law), not a system (barter system, where we exchange goods for goods), God is Mysterious LOVE. Therefore as God's children our christian life invites to live beyond laws, principles and systems. This is what we call going extra mile. And living Virtuous over being good. Bec, our life is beyond tit for tat, where we experience God's love as He embraces equally despite our differences and vulnerabilities. Bec, God cannot but love us; for He is love itself. This does not mean that he is conditioned by His love for us? No not at all. Bec, our minds are too small to grasp this profound truth. The point is that we are called to transcend from our limited level of eros to philia and from there to Agape level where we become complete. For we are called to go beyond tit for tat. At this level we begin to respect the individuals as they are rather than l...


Love keeps no score of wrong, and does not gloat over any sort of unpleasant happenings. Just like the love of Mamma Margaret and Don Bosco during the wandering oratory days despite the problems caused by the boys. This bicentenary celebration of the birth of Don Bosco, be a gentle reminder for me and for all of us to introspect about not what we are rather where we are ? Don Bosco is a saint who had foreseen the science of the times. Therefore, if our SPCSA invites him to grace the occasion of our unique celebrations in 2115 what would he tell his sons? Don Bosco would surely invite each of one of us to leave our four walls of comfort and security to launch into the civilized streets and new age youth platforms like Shopping Malls, Social Networks, Theatres, Games Clubs and Music/Dance Rooms to join the circle of friendship and love them as they are without any preconditions at the same time as catalysts to challenge them for something better. Thus for 2115 celebrations of t...

Life as Co-operation:God

          Down the history we see many a people irrespective of creed, complex and community strive to make life worth living. Today no wonder why positive thinking books become the best sellers in the markets. However this is very transparent when a Psychologist Adler makes life all about Power.           For Adler, life is centered around Power. From this dimension we strive to dominate others. And thus we try to become the center of the attraction. We instead of serving and caring, begin to dominate others. Thus we try to make our life happy and easy.                   On the other hand Freud opens the eyes of Adler and unveiled the dimension of Power to Pleasure. It is very appealing for the Western lifestyle. He makes a move from Power to Pleasure. So, at this level we always strive to work to make life as a Pleasure. Thus from the Freudian perspective we become prey to the su...

Be Light to be Bright...

           Today during my interaction with a girl named Glory...tells me that "Take things light and you will be bright." I think she was partially right by making this spontaneous and frank statement. I began to think about it. Then I began to make sense of what she said.    In life, we find very difficult to lose our belongings and things. It is although more difficult to lose oneself for the other. Especially in today's context where consumerism, materialism and functionalism creep into our minds and hearts instead service and concern.            Once, King Sree Krishna Devarayalu invited all the poets, learned and other elite to discuss about the ways to reach heaven. All great people were assembled for the show. Then one of his campus poets who was known for wit and wisdom Tenali Ramakrishan came forward and made this short statement. "If I go then I go." No could understand it. So he was reqested to e...

Two Wolves in Our Heart

       There is a great story of the ancient legend. Of late I was watching a movie Pathfinder, where I came across this same story being told by the actress to the hero.       It is said that in everyone's heart there are always two wolves constantly fighting. One is HATE and the other is LOVE. If so, Who will win? The one that you feed the most, is the spontaneous answer given to the hero. Yes from dawn to dusk we project these two wolves through our words, deeds and intentions.      I was thrilled by this wonderful story and began to reflect upon my life over the years; how about my life? and which one I am feeding the most. Dear friendz let's be aware of the zoo of our heart where there are two wolves being inhabited. Let's feed the wolf of Love and thus become loving people and caring people. This is all about life where we make our life meaningful to self and the rest.

#.....Knowledge Within...#

        No knowledge is greater than Self-Knowledge. Bec self-knowledge entails divine knowledge. Divine knowledge thus unveils the truth of our being. That's why Peter knowing who he was tells Jesus "Lord depart from me." Socrates also reminds us of the same.."Know thyself." By having self-knowledge we become aware of our frailties and vulnerabilities. By our weakness we come to know the greatness of our God. St. Paul confirms this as "When I am weak then I am strong." This makes us humble to accept that our is capable of making us strong despite our weaknesses. Therefore, our is great and doble great. 

What is the Best Service we Offer?

     There are many MANY SERVICES that we can offer to fellow beings. But the question is what is the best service that is essential but doesn't cost much of your energies but our heart and will? The service that costs our heart and mind is PRAYER. Yes friendzz PRAYER the best SERVICE that we can offer to our fellow beings. Therefore prayer the best means to help others. St Theresa of Child Jesus knew this fact and she embraced all humanity and the whole world through her PRAYER. Thus by prayer we don't need to speak much to be heard. Instead we can be heard according to the voice of our heart and spirit of our prayer. 


            In life many people strive to prove what they are not. For example students, players, leaders and actors try to give their best in order to prove their talents and potentialities. The same principle applies to all of us. Because as members of the communities, families and societies at large. Life is all about proving what we are to others; rather than living what we are. Given the question Do you make your life or do you live your life? Ask yourself and see. Because in rat race of our life (competition, compromise and collaboration) we get on to this sort of attitude of proving ourselves.               While trying to prove ourself, what happens is, we wear a mask, we disguise and distance self from our true self. Instead what should happen is, that we should strive to work upon our true self. We need to introspect and see what exactly we can improve. By this process of introspection we tap our inner...

Death Anniversary of a Veteran Salesian...

Rev Fr John Varicatt, was born in 1931 and lived as a Salesian in the Province of Hyderabad and worked tirelessly for the welfare of the young people. He died in 2002 due to a massive heart attack. His was the first death of the province of INH. Today we keep the 12 th anniversary of his demise. Therefore today we prayed for him and prayed to him. One of his hobbies was to make rosaries of sandalwood and present them to his friends. He was also known for his sincerity and punctuality. However he used to be flexible with the people. Although he was a late vocation yet we could see how convinced he was. His holiness is much greater than any scholarliness.  May His Soul Rest in CHRIST.

Religious Life and Secular World

Religious Life is a friend to the Secular World. It is not at all an enemy to it. Very often we think dat Secular world is an enemy. It is not because only in religious Life we have fulfilment of vocation that we all choose and live. Therefore to make our vocation as a gift we need to live in this world. Down the history we have many individuals who set their life as great examples. Religious life will bear its fruit in hundredfold and two hundredfold only in  the world. Therefore, it is not ideal to dispose the world and uphold the other world/heaven. What makes religious life more outstanding is that its simplicity and charity. Because Religious life demands to live by poverty, obedience and chastity. Well it is not enough; this life is all about daily living. Because everyday and every activity is simple yet with great care and love. All through our life expected to live with love. Because love bears all things and embraces all things. Most interestingly in religious life it...

Sense of Despair & Sense of Transcendanse

Today (nowadeiz) we see the two spectrums of perspectives about truth and reality. This is a constant flux where the youth drift or float...depends on their stand and conviction. This once again confirms the ground of Chinese philosophical spectrum about reality. bUt by this what is happening to the human values and meaningfulness of life? Yes dat is what I am concerned about. Let me hit the nail on the head. By the forces of this global, multicultural and postmodern trend I feel dat we are drifting by the current rather than floating on move. This is vividly manifested as it unveils the sense of Despair and Hopelessness. In the subtle trend meaningless is creeped into the lives of the people. We lack joy, peace, love and forget even to smile. Therefore we become impotent like the stray and rust. Our potentialities and possibilities get blurred and become blunt. Thus, unfortunately we lack sense of GOD and sense of the Other and Self itself.           ...

Transfiguration: Mystery made a Reality

It is Jesus who manifested simultaneously two natures in himself. We see down history of Israel how God has been protecting them in various forms. In the form of a cloud during the day and in the form of pillar at night. However Israelites could not understand the mysterious revelation of God as he was making mystery into a Reality. Even mother Mary the seat of wisdom became the part of this mysterious salvific project. Thus even she is enabled to teach us wisdom and love. Jesus is Mr Perfect. Therefore, he was made perfect to stand on the pulpit to set good example of the providential Father and Spirit. On mount Tabor, he once again manifests his splendour and glory to his disciples with the company of Moses and Elijah. When he was born the stars revealed about his birth. When he was crucified there was thunder and earthquake. So, even the cosmos acknowledges His presence and privilege and penance that he brought to the humanity by costing his life as a ransom for many. Thus we have ...

Solidarity Rosary Service: A Cry for PEACE

      On fifth August, 2014 we, the community of DBK prayed the Solidarity Rosary Service. The sole intention of this rosary service was to pray for peace. Well the procedure was the same as a normal Rosary. But what captivated me was the depiction of the powerpoint slides of war incidents of the of late wars that occurred in and around the world, inclusive of PAK and IND. War affected countries like, IND, PAK, Palestine, Iraq, Sudan, Russia and Ukrain and etc.,     During Solidarity Rosary Service everyone was called to pray devoutly for the establishment of peace and to seek peace in the world. All the community members participated in this service and I'm sure that everyone felt the need and necessity of peace.

How to Die Gracefully...!

Dear friendz it is always fascinating to hear something about death and life after death. Very often we hear people getting frightened to talk about their own death. Why do I say suddenly about death. Yes friendz there is an interesting thing that took place a couple of days ago. I was with an elderly priest (Swami Vikrnat sdb) who was 84 years old and came down to Warangal to take Latin classes for our brothers. During our tea time he was telling us that he was up to his last book to be completed and in the process of publishing. Out of curiosity I asked what would be the title of the book. He said that "How to Die Gracefully." I was really fascinated by his wonderful way of living and going about. Beautiful. I do not need any words of inspiration and motivation. For his life and works speak volumes of love, laughter, fun and frolic. He is a passionate teacher, well qualified in Indian Philosophy.

Essence of Christianity...

Of late I was reading a book titled "Spiritual Stamina" in which the author focused on the essence of Christianity. I was stuck by the beautiful saying of the author. Suppose if we ask what is the core of Christianity we may answer saying LOVE. But the author puts it better in his words as it is said dat, the Theology of Christianity is MERCY (Compassion) and the Ethics of Christianity is Gratitude. Yes it is beautifully put by the author as compassion and Gratitude.