Now a days it is will be nice to say that  'Patience is Virtue' precisely because, today nobody likes to spend time and be clear about the issues come on the way. In stead today human being has reached to such a state where he has lost the virtue of Patience. This is very clear  if we take a glace at the fast  food, Instant Coffee and the other ready made edible products. 

 It seems once a Sardargee was praying to  God. As usual like all of us he was also asking God to grant him favors and graces. But surprising he asked God like this. Dear God please bless me abundantly and  give me the patience immediately. Like wise today we have reached to this state where we even have no time to receive the graces from God since we are ever caught up with the word and external  things.

If this is the situation, I wonder what will happen to the coming generations. I may be exaggerating but it is reasonable to say that there is a day where we live only in the virtual and multimedia world. Then there will be no time to spend for the other and no time to think of the other. What a sad thing that will be.

Hence,  what I would like to drive home is  that we are social beings as Aristotle says. Therefore we need to live together sparing time for the other so that our social live becomes more active, interactive and socially active. Therefore we need to have Patience as a virtue to cope with our fellow brother n accepting them as they are and this will surely initiate strong bond between one another. 


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