Mystery / Myth of CHRISTMAS?

On the Fourth Advent Sunday, Fr Tony (the Confessor) celebrated the mass in the Parish. During the Homily he told us about the celebrations of Christmas from a different perspective. I personally liked the way the homily was put across to us, and so I feel like sharing it. Christmas celebration has been changing from time to time and from generation to generation. Christmas is the feast for the entire humanity. It is the feast where God himself chose to be born as human to redeem the humanity. So it has been our great joy to celebrate the feast in great pomp and sound. Unfortunately this celebration has become today as merely a commercial event and a date to get together and to make merry. As a result the baby Jesus is given less priority and much less about our personal reflection on life. Gradually we have lost the mystery of Christmas where God becoming man and we only preoccupied with the myth of the Christmas. Well, what is this myth of Christmas? A good questio...